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Day 10: Trapped in Maine…

Maine refuses to give up her beloved TSSOM. With the part for the lifeboat 4 davit enjoying a vacation in Norway the TSSOM is expected to remain in Maine for a little longer. The delivery date of 23 MAY 2024 has the whole crew hoping for an early delivery. Fortunately, due to USCG witnessing a successful launching of lifeboats 1 and 3, the TSSOM has been permitted to move about the waters of Penobscot Bay.

Despite it all, training continues. The Charlie and Delta companies had the opportunity to practice enclosed space entry. Enclosed spaces are areas of a ship that are not meant to be inhabited, such as tanks. It is vital that these spaces are inspected regularly, however entering them is a high-risk operation. To mitigate the risks, midshipmen learned how to properly fill out a permit to enter an enclosed space, what risks they need to prepare for, what safety and rescue equipment are required to be on standby at the location, and what to do in an emergency in an enclosed space. No training at Maine Maritime Academy is complete without hands-on experience, so all midshipmen had, or will have, the opportunity to enter one of the State of Maine’s very own tanks!

Post by: 4/C Adam Rivera, MET Charlie Company

Latest 2024 Summer TSSOM Cruise